
Hi, and welcome to my darts chat blog. This is a place where you can chat about anything darts related whether youre just a fan, player or both. hopefully you will all get something good out of this page. Cheers

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Darts Scorer - Keep the Game in Full Flow

Darts is a game, or sport as it is now classified as, is played by all types of people all around the world. It is a fun game to play because of the speed of the game and the social aspects. I have been to England several times where darts is extremely popular and can be played in clubs and pubs all over the country. I am Swedish and here in Sweden many of us play darts but it is usually played in the home during the winter months. Our winters can be rather severe and with lack of daylight hours we are a kind of hibernating race during the winter months. So we stay at home most of the time and have friends over to visit or go and visit friends in their home if we want to be sociable. A good way of socialising is to play darts.

Now the thing I find with darts is it's a great game to play except for the scoring aspect of it. For those of us who are not so mathematically quick it slows the game down. As well as slowing the game down, mistakes can be made with the scoring which results in disagreements or having to start the game all over again. This spoils the fun, so it's a good idea to have a darts scorer. There a good adequate electronic scoreboards that can be bought and set up next to the dartboard. Apart form turning them on, all you have to do is touch the place on the darts scorer where the dart has landed on the board. The scorer then calculates your score for you and gives you a running total. They are ideal to keep the flow of the game running and no thinking is required. On the downside though the darts scorer prevents any cheating, so if your are playing for small amounts of money or drinks there is no way you can dupe your opponent. Still friends don't even try to do that to each other do they!?

My name is Paul Garnett and I live and work in Sweden. I have a love for the outdoors and most outdoor activities. My home bound hobbies include making web sites. If you are on the search for a darts scorer then check out Darts Scorer. Something else that might interest you is the Invicta Lupah Watch.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Garnett

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