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Saturday 6 March 2010

James Wade Darts - Read This Before Possibly Wasting Your Money

The above statement is a common problem with dart players and darts fans. So many players rush out to buy their favourite players signature darts. Most of these buyers seem to think that if they use the same darts as their favourite player, then they might just be able to play as good as them. This often makes me laugh. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with using a Pro players signature darts, my very best friend and world championship quarter finalist, Paul 'The Asset' Nicholson uses a set of the very darts we are talking about but he had the added luxury of borrowing a set before deciding to buy some. Now he gets them free from Unicorn Darts, but that's a different story.

Another thing to remember is that most players signature darts are just modified versions of the darts they were using before getting signed up by a manufacturing sponsor. James Wade was using Phil Taylor Darts previously but in most cases the darts are normally a certain set of Harrows darts or Red Dragon Darts that are not player branded.

As James Wade started to win majors, Unicorn moved him higher up their players pecking order. He is now branded a Unicorn Maestro which means his signature darts are available in 3 different categories. The three different versions are all the same length and shape. Apart from the weight, the only differences are the materials they are made from. They are tungsten, latinum tungsten and finally titanium tungsten.

Whats the difference your asking yourself and which set is best suited for me? Well obviously I don't have all the answers but I have personally tested all three sets over a certain period of time but your decision will depend on your preferred type of grip and most importantly, your budget.

So, before you spend your hard earned cash, it is probably wise to head on over to the entire James Wade Darts range for a full review on each set, including overall product rating.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kristopher_Walker

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