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Monday 15 March 2010

Why Choose Tungsten Darts

Tungsten is very dense and heavy metal. It is mixed with nickel or brass and you will see on the package written like 80-20 which means 80% tungsten and 20% nickel/bras. No matter it is harder to work but it lasts longer than Nickel/silver darts and brass darts.

You can choose your favorite dart from the world of tungsten darts. These darts are designed and developed for the developing player. It gives the players of dart a positivity in playing at an affordable prices. The series of tungsten darts is available in a variety of vibrant colors, different weights and black steal finish. The shafts are made of anodized aluminum material. The tip is steel made and available weights are 20 grams to 28 grams.

Brass and nickel-silver are lighter metals in comparison to tungsten which is a very heavy and dense metal. Tungsten is not used alone in making darts but is mixed with nickel in the ratio of 80:20. That means 80% tungsten and 20% nickel.

It is seen that most of the good throwers use tungsten,but if you are a starter then you would not be throwing tight groupings whatever dart you are using. On an average the size of a 20 gram tungsten dart is half the size of a brass dart which allows for tighter groupings on the board.

As tungsten is a metal heavier than lead this property becomes the reason why the tungsten,resists wear and the grip lasts longer. On the contrary side the soft metal darts may wear down quickly from skin acid and friction.

Generally we categorize Tungsten darts like this:

95% to 98% Tungsten

90% Tungsten

80% Tungsten

50% to 70% Tungsten

Howard runs the site http://www.dartstip.com wich provide great tips and guides about dart

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Howard_Persson

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