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Monday 15 March 2010

How to Choose a Dart Grip When Throwing Darts

Dart grip #1: Four fingers and thumb.

Typically the smallest finger rests on the top or bottom of the dart tip for maximum guidance in acceleration. This option provides maximum touch on the dart which can help with accuracy and placement. However, it does require a lot fingers on the dart barrel which can cause your throw to get away from you. Using all four of your fingers on the dart can cause your throw to "stick" to your fingers or can cause you to over-power, or push your throw.

Dart grip #2: Three fingers and thumb.

This is a basic option that gives you a lot of control over the dart during the acceleration of your throw. You can also have more control over the placement of the dart using this option. However, the third finger on the dart barrel does increase your chances of a misfire, similar to the four finger grip.

Dart grip #3: Two fingers and thumb.

This option allows for fewer fingers to get in the way of a great throw while sacrificing some control of the placement of your dart. If your dart flutters or snaps awkwardly in the middle of your throw try moving your thumb slightly behind the center weight of the dart for more control. The majority of competitive dart throwers use this style of grip in their game.

Dart grip #4: One finger and thumb.

This position is similar to how you would hold a writing pen. Many dart players who use this style also let the dart rest on tip of the second finger for support. This option minimizes your touch points on the dart barrel at the expense of control over the dart. It can be very effective for achieving consistent dart throwing. However, because it minimizes your control it can take some time to get used to before you are successful with this grip.

Article written by Joe Pecheck, an amateur dart thrower and darts enthusiast. Visit http://www.nicedarts.com for more dart articles and advanced dart techniques.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Pecheck

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